Technology & Innovation @ ISP

Technology & Innovation @ ISP

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1.1. The role of Technology in the PYP

Mobile devices are present in the lives of our students. ISP has been a cutting-edge school for many years and recognized for its technology integration practices in the classroom. Technology is used in a seamless way in order to support personalized learning and student inquiry.Technology is not treated as a separate subject as it is in a traditional setting. Our philosophy and structure, of how technology is incorporated in the curriculum, is aligned with that of the IB. Technology is integrated into all subject areas with our Technology Integrator/Coach co-planning and co-teaching with all subject teachers to transform the learning process and develop more engaging lessons that extend students’ knowledge and skills.
We follow the AID framework for our teaching and learning with Technology. AID uses three simple principles:

  • Agency – ways of being: How technology extends us and other disciplines. eg. digital citizenship, responsible content creation and reuse, academic honesty
  • Information – ways of knowing: How you find and understand with technology. eg.resources, collect, manipulate and present data
  • Design – ways of doing: How you design and make with technology. eg. gamification, programming, robotics, design thinking.

1.2. Infrastructure & Learning Environment

ISP is fully equipped infrastructure-wise. To help our students develop their capabilities during their study years, the school offers the above-described facilities and services.

  • Tech – Building Infrastructure:
    ISP constantly strives to maintain and upgrade the tech equipment and the building’s infrastructure.
    Our building infrastructure has been upgraded recently (in the last 5 years)
    • Electrical Infrastructure that guarantees the continuity in operation and the security of equipment and staff/students
    • Network Infrastructure with cutting edge tech equipment for faster speeds and upgraded security.
    • Communication System for Intercom and Outdoor communication
    • Fire Detection and Fire Safety Systems
    • Internet Throughput Bandwidth 600/250mbps
  • Classrooms
    Grades 3-6 are equipped with Smart Touch TVs and Apple TVs while Nursery-Grade 2 classrooms are equipped with laptops, interactive smartboards, projectors and an Apple TV.
    There is a specially designed classroom (Dark Room) which is used for Kinaesthetic Projects. There, we have installed special equipment (laptop, projector, sound system) to support the Kinems system which is being used for structured kinaesthetic gaming.
  • STEM Lab:
    ISP’s facilities include a specially equipped Tech and Science Lab with state-of-the-art equipment including 20 personal computers and laptops, Big Screen Tv, Network Printer with Air-print Capability, Robotics Equipment and much more.
  • Internet Access:
    ISP is fully equipped network-wise and has an excellent Wi-Fi coverage in all educational spaces of the school to support the device connection of students and staff.
    Of course, the appropriate parental control measures are being implemented to protect the network and our students (Hardware firewall, Web Content Filtering).
    We’ve set up a Same Service Set Identifier (SSID) to seamlessly connect devices and make the life of students and staff easier
  • iPad 1:1 Students
    Every student uses a BYOD iPad. ISP focuses on the devices’ setup giving parents specific guidelines and educating them in the devices’ use accommodating the respective educational seminar on mid-September every school year.
    The specific solution, though structured, gives some freedom to each parent to deviate, along the guidelines, in the setup according to its child/ren needs.
  • iPad 1:1 Educators/Staff
    All our educators are equipped with managed iPad devices that use to exert their educational duties. ISP firmly believes in and implements continuous education and training for its Staff.
  • Internet Platforms / CMS / SIS:
    For Secretariat and Managerial Digitization we use Για a cloud-based platform CMS/SIS 4schools that is provided by EPAFOS S.A. along with Microsoft’s O365 suite. Our educational staff is also using ClassDojo as a control of their classroom tool.

1.3. BYOD*: 1-1 iPad programme

Our school has adopted the 1-1 iPad program since 2016, with every student from Grade 3-6 having their own iPad. This device is a tool in the learning process- just like a pencil, a ruler, a notebook. We are now living in an era where our children are born with both the internet and artificial intelligence in many areas of our lives, such as medical fields, the environment, the economy, and daily processes. We want to make sure that our children are given the opportunity to get in touch with a broad variety of tools, to learn to express themselves through different means, as well as use their imagination to think out of the box and develop as design thinkers.

By adopting the 1-1 iPad programme we aim to:

  • learn to do research online, evaluate their sources, filter the information they find, learn to write in their own words what they read and see.
  • develop technical skills regarding the usability of the iPad, such as learning to customize it to suit their needs, printing, downloading applications, using it as a brainstorming tool.
  • to use, present and be evaluated based on the materials and projects they create suitable for the learning content. As children become familiar with the uses and capabilities of each application, they are able to choose later on the ones they prefer to better express what they have learned
  • the use of the keyboard and the pen help children to develop motor skills, spelling and lettering/numbering, typing as well as digital art/design, note-taking on files etc

Students in Grades 3-6 @ ISP are expected to bring their iPads to school daily as part of the learning process. Students will be using the iPad in a creative yet balanced matter, while following our school’s Responsible Usage Agreements (RUAs).

It is difficult to predict the skills that today’s children will need in 10-15 years in the job market. Technology is constantly evolving and changing, and that requires us, as educators and as parents, to change the way we approach learning as well our teaching methods. Our goal is to help them become self-directed and balanced learners while developing the skills they need today and in any context in the future.

*Bring Your Own Device

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