“Inclusion is an ongoing process that aims to increase access and engagement in learning for all students by identifying and removing barriers. This can only be successfully achieved in a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, support and problem solving. Inclusion is the learner profile in action, an outcome of dynamic learning communities”.
(Learning diversity in the International Baccalaureate programmes: Special educational needs within the International Baccalaureate programmes (IB, August 2010)
At International School of Piraeus we believe that each person is unique and everyone should have equal access to education. Our school community embraces and respect every individual as our school is an all-inclusive school and we also enrol candidates with learning support requirements.
The definition of “Inclusion” includes all learner profiles. An individual who has developed these profiles, is someone who has a mindset that knows, respects and practice inclusivity. All members of our school community should exhibit the attributes of the Learner Profile which are linked with the inclusion principles. Some of the learner profiles are:
Open – minded: They accept and respect the differentiation of human beings. They believe that everyone is unique with their own talents and potential.
Caring: They take care for our students and community’s well – being and they show empathy for their needs.
Reflective: They regularly reflect on how we can improve our services to support better the children in an inclusive environment with intercultural awareness.
“Inclusion is an ongoing process that aims to increase access and engagement in learning for all students by identifying and removing barriers. This can only be successfully achieved in a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, support and problem solving. Inclusion is the learner profile in action, an outcome of dynamic learning communities”.
(Learning diversity in the International Baccalaureate programmes: Special educational needs within the International Baccalaureate programmes (IB, August 2010)
At International School of Piraeus we believe that each person is unique and everyone should have equal access to education. Our school community embraces and respect every individual as our school is an all-inclusive school and we also enrol candidates with learning support requirements.
The definition of “Inclusion” includes all learner profiles. An individual who has developed these profiles, is someone who has a mindset that knows, respects and practice inclusivity. All members of our school community should exhibit the attributes of the Learner Profile which are linked with the inclusion principles. Some of the learner profiles are:
Open – minded: They accept and respect the differentiation of human beings. They believe that everyone is unique with their own talents and potential.
Caring: They take care for our students and community’s well – being and they show empathy for their needs.
Reflective: They regularly reflect on how we can improve our services to support better the children in an inclusive environment with intercultural awareness.